Climbing My Family Tree
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson (poem only)
When life is less than kind to me,
I climb right up my family tree.
When life is less than kind to me,
I climb right up my family tree.
I planted a little story seed,
just placed it deeply in the ground
and, fertilizing carefully,
spread all the dirt and mulch around.
The sky is in fluffy white pieces today…
a drift-covered mountain, aglow.
O, that the meekness of a child might somehow be my own!
My heart would never turn from Thee to find my way alone.
Earth moves and mankind trembles,
rocked by fear of the unknown.
The mountains shift beneath our feet,
displacing sand and stone.
When chamomile tea she slurped,
Leigh stayed awake but soundly burped.
The melatonin was okay,
but left her groggy the next day.
We all step through the looking glass,
but each one takes a different ride.
Some fall head-first like Alice did
while others take a measured stride.
Mother, may I ask why God allows such awful things?
Surely His hand could stay the devastation terror brings.
He made the mighty waters and the vast, eternal skies;
no living creature falls to earth unseen before His eyes.