Easter Collection
©1981 Susan Noyes Anderson
Christ, our glorious Elder Brother
Noble, perfect, free from sin
Firstborn Son of Heavenly Father
In all things like unto Him
These poems about Christ are among my favorites, for writing them has brought me closer to Him. God gives good gifts, and I am grateful for His presence in each day. May these poems, focused on the Savior’s life, mission and example, communicate His love to everyone who scrolls through them. If you are specifically looking for Christmas Poems or Easter Poems, feel free to click directly on either category. (Please request permission to use my poems about Christ by email before using, and be sure to include full copyright information on every copy. For internet use, a link back to the poem on this site is required.)
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Christ, our glorious Elder Brother
Noble, perfect, free from sin
Firstborn Son of Heavenly Father
In all things like unto Him
We all have heard the story, it’s been told and then retold,
about the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem of old.
Yet every Christmastide the tale bears telling once again,
as we reflect on that sweet babe, born to redeem all men.
Tonight I walk beneath a gentle sky
where stars are warm and whisper, “Peace, be still.”
The silence beckons softly, as the moon
shines clear and bright upon a distant hill.
Jerusalem, He entered like a King.
with shouts of acclamation, fronds of palm.
But these gave way to fear, and none were with Him.
To His stripes, loving hands applied no balm.