Christmas List
©2021 Susan Noyes Anderson
image by Olesia Buyar on Unsplash
You are not on my Christmas list.
A sadder truth was never told.
Your dear name vanished in the mist
with nary a gift to wrap in gold
and no vestige of you to hold.
I am delighted to make these holiday poems available to you. They are gifts from my heart to anyone willing to accept them. My hope is that each holiday poem brings added meaning to someone’s Christmas or Easter, Valentine’s Day or Independence Day. Writing them has already brought added meaning to mine. (Poems for nearly every holiday are listed here. You may click specifically on Christmas Poems, Easter Poems, Patriotic Poems, and Thanksgiving Poems. (Please email a request for permission before using. Include full copyright information on every copy. For internet use, a link back to this website is required.)
FINDING THE POEM YOU WANT: As you scroll through this section, read each snippet sample (usually the first four lines). This will give you a feel for the poem’s content. When you find something you like, click “CONTINUE READING” to view the entire poem.
You are not on my Christmas list.
A sadder truth was never told.
Your dear name vanished in the mist
with nary a gift to wrap in gold
and no vestige of you to hold.
The Savior’s life was lived in prayer,
a custom born of love and need.
So many pains were His to bear,
so many causes His to plead.
As Easter beckons to my soul,
one question fills my humbled heart.
In honoring Christ’s sacrifice,
how will I know my sacred part?
The wonder of Christmas has always been mine.
It was given to me as a child.
Mother told me the tale of that first holy night,
and Christ’s light filled her eyes as she smiled.
Another year has come and gone…
another decade, too.
The message is that life goes on,
no matter what we do.
Little bits of heaven swirl around the manger bright,
falling softly as the mem’ry of that Christmas night
when all the world stood still in wonder at the Savior’s birth,
and choirs of angels sang out joy and peace to men on earth.
Christmas, I thought, would always be
the best of holidays for me…
a celebration of Christ’s birth,
when peace and glory came to earth.
This miracle, so long held dear,
blessed and remembered every year,
engenders in each tender heart
sweet reverence for His humble start.
Christmas shopping has begun,
but now I shop for three,
another sad reminder of
the way things used to be.