Be Still and Grow
©2016 Susan Noyes Anderson
photo by Francesca Woodman
Sometimes, life’s colors spin away and set us spinning, too.
The air about us thickens, and we lose our point of view.
Posting these literary poems where people can enjoy them pleases me. Even poems that have landed in books, magazines, or anthologies will find a wider audience here, while poems used to the quiet solitude of my desk drawer will get to see the light of day and meet readers like you! (Art fans: Look for literary poems inspired by the work of well-known photographers and painters.) Please request permission by email, including full copyright information on each copy made. For internet use, a link back to this website is required.
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Sometimes, life’s colors spin away and set us spinning, too.
The air about us thickens, and we lose our point of view.
Away and away to the black-bottomed sea
sailed her man on a whim and a wave.
“No creature above or below escapes me!”
was the promise his blushing bride gave.
I went to England once.
London, not Manchester.
Rained cold, a bit sideways.
Dark, dreadful, dingy.
Under the weather.
I ran watered streets.
Unbooted, blithely undone.
Up, down, willy nilly.
Slowed through Piccadilly.
The magic of the universe
calls out to me from every star.
Beyond the moon, my dreams unfold
and carry me to worlds afar.
The parched soil drinks their holy blood.
They lay their bodies down like wine:
last dregs of fleeing innocence,
surrendered on the sacred vine.
I draw my sleep beneath a golf ball moon,
where verdant trees sprout tiny, ticking clocks.
Deep waters hold me close in rippled arms,
enfold me in a soft, white bed of rocks.
A new train chugging round the bend,
I wish I knew where it would end.
So much momentum, smoke and steel,
unstoppable from stack to wheel.
Do not speak a word; I tell you.
Utter not one word.
These days your every phrase strikes me
as patently absurd.