shut up

Do Not Speak a Word

Written by Susan Noyes Anderson on . Posted in General-Literary Poems

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©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Do not speak a word; I tell you.
Utter  not  one  word.
These days your every phrase strikes me
as patently absurd.

The syllables that leave your lips
bedevil me no end.
If you keep blathering, I fear
I shall not call you friend.

So do not breathe a word, not one.
No wanton, witless word.
Your dialogue is best, I find,
entirely unheard.


Have you ever wanted to tell someone outright that you’ve had enough of their annoying conversation? Do you long to ask that person to shut up, even though your mother taught you differently? Have you suffered valiantly on the receiving end of a witless monologue? Then, this is the poem for you. It can only be labeled as rude, but it does manage to get the job done with a fair amount of style. After all, those who let go of politeness entirely might as well do so in a lofty tone. Hope you enjoy this no-holds-barred set-down as much as I enjoyed writing it. (Venting is a wonderful thing!)

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