Love Seasons
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson (poem only)
April showers bring May flowers
(nature goes to work)
May blooms bring June prom-night rooms
(parents go berserk)
April showers bring May flowers
(nature goes to work)
May blooms bring June prom-night rooms
(parents go berserk)
Leather sandals, dusty feet,
soles worn out in service.
Lessons taught, lessons learned;
stilled souls waiting, nervous.
To bathe soiled feet was but a servant’s lot,
eschewed by men whose station lent them grace.
These did not stoop to take a lowly place,
nor pause to wonder if, one day, they ought.
I’m swinging on the happy tree,
in love with everything I see.
White, fluffy clouds and bright blue sky
reach out for me as I fly by.
If all your world is painted blue,
Then no one else can change your view.
No pretty words or handsome face
Will make your world a brighter place.
Who looks at the world
from a soaring height
with a lofty point of view
ignoring Lent
was never meant
the message simply wasn’t sent
There is a time to test our wings…
to strike out on our own.
But those who go the distance
rarely choose to fly alone.