4th of July: Song or Sigh?
©2014 Susan Noyes Anderson

image by Tom Code on Unsplash
Declaration of Independence.
Pilgrims’ feet, well-planted.
Heritage and brave forefathers:
all taken for granted.
These patriotic poems for 4th of July and related holidays are meant to honor our nation. They can be appreciated by anyone who shares my love for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Whether it’s Independence Day, Veteran’s Day, election day or another time of year, these poems celebrate America and her people. May these patriotic poems for 4th of July and more inspire and uplift this great nation and those who reap its benefits. (Please email a request to me before using one of my patriotic poems. Be sure to include full copyright information on every copy made. For internet use, a link back to this site is required.)
FINDING THE POEM YOU WANT: As you scroll through this section, read each snippet sample (usually the first four lines) to get a feel for the poem’s contents. When you find something you like, click “CONTINUE READING” to view the entire poem.
Declaration of Independence.
Pilgrims’ feet, well-planted.
Heritage and brave forefathers:
all taken for granted.
We reverenced the flag when I was a young girl…
proud and strong we stood, hand over heart.
Deep emotions were raised as we saw it unfurl;
our allegiance was pledged from the start.
Our history is glorious.
Why should we not stand proud?
And yet, today, so many feel
that pride is not allowed.
They came: the tired, the poor, the yearning masses,
the flood of people reaching for one moon––
sharing a dream that lived and died in snatches,
mercurial as air in a balloon––
I came across a question yesterday
that troubled me enough to pose it here.
“What is the meaning of Memorial Day?
Why do we celebrate it every year?”
Why can’t we just get along?
Can’t our friendship still be strong
even when we disagree?
Why ya gotta wail on me?
When I was small, I pledged the flag.
I said the words real loud.
I stood up straight and tall because
it made me feel so proud.