Rain Just Gotta Fall
©2021 Susan Noyes Anderson
image by Milada Vigerova
Rain just gotta fall some time.
Fierce rain just gotta fall.
Writing “life lessons” poems is one of the ways I connect with and learn from life. They help me move myself through the inevitable ups and downs with as much grace as possible. And what better way to find grace than in the words of a poem? Thank you for gracing me with your presence here, and don’t forget to send a request my way before using my life lessons poems. (Please include full copyright information on every copy. For internet use, a link back to the poem on this site is required.)
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Rain just gotta fall some time.
Fierce rain just gotta fall.
The sun fell out of the sky one day.
I propped her up on a flow of words.
She hung in a rather precarious way,
fluttered about like a wind-tossed bird.
Photo by Esaias Tan on Unsplash
Soon or late, life teaches lessons
few would choose to learn.
Ours is, at best, a rocky path
with many a twist and turn.
Beauty is in the simple things
that ease into a willing heart:
Dusk falls, then calls forth starling wings
while sun and moon paint works of art.
My years of life have made me tough.
But lately, it’s been kinda rough.
I’ve rocked the highways, low ways, byways.
Nowadays, things seem sorta sideways.
the sun has left the sky
vanishing on a sigh
while lesser stars prevail
in fading shades of pale
all lives matter
black lives matter
his life matters
Solitude is so much sweeter
when it isn’t forced,
when it is freely sought
and freely ended.