No Hands but Ours
©2009 Susan Noyes Anderson (poem only)
No soul could walk this earth alone
and still emerge believing.
The fertile ground for faith is found
in giving and receiving.
I am an LDS poet, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Making these LDS poems (“Mormon” poems) available to others was one of my main reasons for creating this poetry site. People frequently asked me, “Do you have a poem for this…?” It seemed easier to place them all on a website where everyone could find exactly what they needed. Feel free to use these LDS poems in talks, lessons, programs or the like. Do be sure to include full copyright information on every hard or internet copy. Please email a request for permission before using one of my LDS poems. For internet use, a link back to this site is required. Thanks, and enjoy your visit!
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No soul could walk this earth alone
and still emerge believing.
The fertile ground for faith is found
in giving and receiving.
Welcome, baby, to the world!
I wonder who you’ll be?
You are a miracle––God’s own,
a child of destiny.
To every heart, a wound must come;
no soul is free from this.
Some enemy or friend will deal
a blow that breaks your bliss.
Cookies with red and green sprinkles on top
Holly and mistletoe, Mom kissing Pop
Ribbons to tie up each package with bows
Icicles, sleighbells, and Rudolph’s red nose
If I accept His sacrifice divine,
Returning love for love as He has done;
If I forget myself and touch the one
Whose sorrows weigh as heavily as mine;
I consecrate my soul to thee,
who died for me on Calvary;
this life devoted to thy care,
who hung and bled and suffered there;
Will our hearts ever know the love
That does not count the loss;
That bows itself beneath our sin
And suffers on the cross;
I thought I walked this earth alone,
beneath my burdens bowed,
until I found I could not bear
their weight and cried aloud.