Love, Grief, and Grace
©2020 Susan Noyes Anderson

image by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
She’d waited two years for grief to end.
It wasn’t easy, but she was game.
“Two years should do it,” remarked a friend,
but Anne was still going round the bend
with nothing improving and much the same.
Each day began with a stunning blow,
as loss and memory flooded in.
Her boy in heaven and Anne below,
a wound most parents would never know,
a battle surpassing what will could win.
His welcome step no longer heard
along the pathway or down the hall.
The sad air innocent of his word,
midnight dialogues now deferred,
no break from the missing him at all.
And time too slow. Each passing year a
burden, borne on her weary back.
Birth days and death days all days to fear,
days to spend hoping he might draw near,
rekindling light she loathed to lack.
Two years gone by and the sorrow new,
a shiny penny upon the ground.
She picks it up and she saves it, too,
her longing great but her keepsakes few,
grateful for every memento found.
O grief, the puzzle with missing peace,
the piece that can never be replaced,
the love unaltered that will not cease
until, reunited, two find release
in coming together, face to face.
Love is eternal; grief yields to Grace.
If this poem speaks to your heart, you might also relate to Carrying You. For more of my poems about death, loss and grieving, click here.
Additional poems on the subject are pictured below under the heading, Related Poems.
Tags: bereavement, child loss, death, eternal life, grief, loss of a child, mourning