grief and loss

Boxed Away

Written by Susan Noyes Anderson on . Posted in Death and Grief Poems

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©2024 Susan Noyes Anderson

image by Faruk Tokluoglu on Unsplash

It pains my heart to put the stuff
of childhood away.
Is there a thing more sad, more bittersweet
than moving day?

The trophies and the photos and
the posters on the wall
are memories I cannot forget
so I will store them all.

But I don’t like them in a box;
I want them living, breathing.
It ruins me to pack your things;
my soul chafes at this leaving.

Have I not given up enough?
How much must one heart pay?
I closed the lid on you last summer
for your burial day.

Your life, twice boxed away.


If this poem resonates with you, you might also relate to All Good Things and That Guy.

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Susan Noyes Anderson

Susan Noyes Anderson is the author of At the End of Your Rope, There’s Hope, Deseret Book, ©1997; Awaken Your Spiritual Power: The Fairy Godmother Isn’t Coming!, Karisma Press, ©1999; and His Children (poetry only, photos are by Anita Schiller), Vantage Point Press, ©2003.

All material ©copyright of Susan Noyes Anderson

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