of loss and gain
©2020 Susan Noyes Anderson
image by Meghan Hessler on Unsplash
the sun has left the sky
vanishing on a sigh
while lesser stars prevail
in fading shades of pale
These spiritual poems may be used free of charge, for non-commercial use only. Spirituality is a powerful force for good in our world. I hope these spiritual poems will be a source of inspiration and peace to all who read them. With that purpose in mind, I am making them available for public use and enjoyment. (Please email a request for permission before using one of my spiritual poems. Include full copyright information on every copy. For internet use, a link back to the poem on this site is required.)
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the sun has left the sky
vanishing on a sigh
while lesser stars prevail
in fading shades of pale
all lives matter
black lives matter
his life matters
Solitude is so much sweeter
when it isn’t forced,
when it is freely sought
and freely ended.
A breeze as gentle as can be
rises above the northern sea,
slips beyond a starry sky,
brushes him with a wishful sigh.
It ruffles softly through his hair,
dusts lilting bits of sweetness there,
each dear, familiar melody
awash in love and memory.
I stood beside your grave one day,
not too long ago.
It was an extra visit, for
my heart was feeling low.
I dreamed that I could carry you,
but now I realize
my pocket had a hole in it,
just about your size.
You spoke to me inside a song
and brought my soul to peace.
Soft words I knew, whispered by you,
provided sweet release.
I miss you more
than words can say.
In every moment,
every day,
your absence leaves
an empty space
that nothing ever
will replace.