Do Not Speak a Word
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson
Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash
Do not speak a word; I tell you.
Utter not one word.
These days your every phrase strikes me
as patently absurd.
Posting these literary poems where people can enjoy them pleases me. Even poems that have landed in books, magazines, or anthologies will find a wider audience here, while poems used to the quiet solitude of my desk drawer will get to see the light of day and meet readers like you! (Art fans: Look for literary poems inspired by the work of well-known photographers and painters.) Please request permission by email, including full copyright information on each copy made. For internet use, a link back to this website is required.
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Do not speak a word; I tell you.
Utter not one word.
These days your every phrase strikes me
as patently absurd.
Just when I think that I can see
all of the angles that are me,
another flashes into view
and makes me question what I knew.
Fall is a cozy season, made
to match my patchwork house.
What better spot for cider hot,
doughnuts for man
and holes for mouse?
In the mind or in the meadow,
we must find our starry night.
From the green hills or the ghetto,
we are moved to set things right.
We make of Life an enemy or friend,
depending on our hospitality…
our choice to welcome Her or let Her be,
our right to denigrate or to defend.
A river flows around the bend;
no man can see what lies ahead.
What mysteries does this portend
to fill my heart with hope or dread?
My friend and I go all around;
together we are always found.
Sometimes we run and shout and play;
sometimes we sit upon the ground.
Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash
She sails across an open sea
obscured in fog and memory–
a ship of ghosts, of days gone by,
her battered flag lost to the sky.