©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson
Saying goodbye was harder than she thought,
but then, it’s true she rarely thought at all.
She acted and reacted, forged ahead,
kept moving, praying that she wouldn’t fall.
Saying goodbye was harder than she thought,
but then, it’s true she rarely thought at all.
She acted and reacted, forged ahead,
kept moving, praying that she wouldn’t fall.
she always made him small
it was her eyes
he blamed them,
claimed they cut him
down to size
she said he lies
It was no more than ninety-eight cents,
but giving it up made her tense.
She was found at the scene…
near the gumball machine.
Caught red-handed without a defense!
(Sticky fingers make strong evidence…)
Who doesn’t love reading a good limerick? Or writing one, for that matter? Sure ‘n we’ve all felt a little bit o’ the Irish in us at one time or another, eh? And this fun little form is one of my favorites when I’m in a playful mood.
By the way, the image posted above provided the fodder for my punny little poem, and I hope you enjoyed it!
When things aren’t breaking quite your way
and this world leaves you stuck,
crank it up.
Word verification is not my thing.
No added safety does it bring.
It only takes a lot of time
and makes commenting less sublime.
It’s harder now to tell where your part ends.
Or where my part begins, as time goes on.
I only know that when I speak of friends,
I always name you first. You are lifelong.
Even turned to stone,
I can’t stop talking.
Water-logged (and -lunged)
I burble on, blow
bubbles with my words
and watch them rising…
Resolution! Schmezolution!
This year, I’m resolved
to make no resolutions
because failure is involved.