Appreciating Autumn
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson
Autumn is a feeling,
and it takes you for a ride.
Autumn is a feeling,
and it takes you for a ride.
Listen as the rhythm
of a heated, humid day
meets the drumming of a
fevered, fertile night.
when you feel like there’s no winning
find yourself a new beginning
keep on
You’ll always be the one for me;
we’re two peas in a pod.
So plump, so round…You’re all I see.
My soft, green heart is awed.
If you must cut me,
do the job with crystal.
Let ruby gemfire
lick (then burn)
your litany of
on my palm.
Not only do you rock, you are one––
That’s the honest truth.
I oughta know; you’ve had my back
since we were in our youth.
Don’t let the green grow
underneath your feet.
It could be grass, you know;
though eerie green’s been
seen to bode no good.
Nesting in a tree,
resting on its roots,
red-caped superhero sporting
camouflage boots.