Time Stops for No One
©2013 Susan Noyes Anderson
Image by crilleb50 – time
time stops for no one
but if i
sit down and freeze
blink neither eye
time stops for no one
but if i
sit down and freeze
blink neither eye
What lovelier way to unwind can be found
than to visit a realm where ideas abound?
My path, at times, is overgrown;
storms brew beneath my swirling sky.
The sweetgrass curls and turns to brush,
scrapes tender flesh as I pass by.
When you are stuck in second gear
and can’t seem to get by
the creeping trucks and pokey schmucks
before your weary eye;
If every star in heaven’s sky surrendered to the night,
perhaps the moon would lose heart and concede the steady light
that anchors every one of us until the sun’s return.
Our universe has much to teach us; will we watch and learn?
How bright the sky, how still the night
when all the world received His light.
The world keeps churning, turning round
It does not stop for those who fall
The lost ones sleep upon the ground
The world shows many faces;
every life holds sundry charms,
but universal is our yearning
for a mother’s arms.