©2014 Susan Noyes Anderson
One faded girl in sepia,
eyes bright and opened wide.
Her life was sweet and simple then,
with nothing much to hide.
One faded girl in sepia,
eyes bright and opened wide.
Her life was sweet and simple then,
with nothing much to hide.
Never keep your art too safe and warm;
it isn’t right.
Abandon it to sleet and hail;
strip it in harsh sunlight.
image by Walter Rane on
This do in remembrance of me, He said,
blessing and breaking the Passover bread.
Take now and eat, for my body is pure,
yet sorrow and sin will be mine to endure.
Times Square with all its cheer
cannot revive a year.
And no amount of pique
will slow a passing week.
Sometimes my heart is washed in tears,
or overcome by foolish fears,
but most days find me safe from harm
with all I need to keep me warm.
The greatest story that was ever told
has naught to do with soldiers, brave and strong.
It makes no boast of golden treasure found,
nor causes lost, nor valiant battle song.
Death is a many-splendored thing;
especially when it ends.
The shroud is shed; the raised heart sings
and everyone pretends
Photo by Robin Lyon on Unsplash
Beware the charming Christmas squirrel.
He gathers nuts and such.
His look is soft and fluffy, but
don’t trust the rogue too much.