Encircled in Thine Arms
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson
image from churchofjesuschrist.org
O Savior, thou art good to me.
Encircled in thine arms, I find
the salve for every weeping wound,
the balm to ease my troubled mind.
O Savior, thou art good to me.
Encircled in thine arms, I find
the salve for every weeping wound,
the balm to ease my troubled mind.
The magic of the universe
calls out to me from every star.
Beyond the moon, my dreams unfold
and carry me to worlds afar.
The parched soil drinks their holy blood.
They lay their bodies down like wine:
last dregs of fleeing innocence,
surrendered on the sacred vine.
A wedge of years has crept between our hearts,
though we are of an age in days alone.
My waning health your self-esteem disarms,
for you absorb my limits as your own.
Faith is a sacred gift in life,
a gift we seize or spurn.
The seeds are freely granted us;
the fruit is ours to earn.
I draw my sleep beneath a golf ball moon,
where verdant trees sprout tiny, ticking clocks.
Deep waters hold me close in rippled arms,
enfold me in a soft, white bed of rocks.
Their roots were in the land;
the land was everything.
The old ones took a stand,
inured to suffering.
Unfair I may be, but I’m not
quite certain of that fact.
It’s hard to be objective when
you judge the way I act.