God Watches Out for Me
©2017 Susan Noyes Anderson
Art by David Bowman
In ways I cannot always see,
I know God watches out for me––
His loving instinct to protect
expressed as I might not expect.
In ways I cannot always see,
I know God watches out for me––
His loving instinct to protect
expressed as I might not expect.
Tonight the lights blew out on me
at 12:06 AM.
The darkness swept in like the sea;
the power’s out again.
You don’t understand me,
he said.
No one knows
of the suffering
stored in my soul.
I think I may have lost the knack
that surely was my stock in trade
in days gone by. The years have made
me less adept. I’ve gone off track.
Just jotting down a word or two
to let you know that I love you
and need you, too, if truth were told.
(The bathroom grout is sprouting mold.)
Easter means more to those who know
the echo of a voice unheard,
the sound of silence in the air,
the loss that leaves no parting word.
The Savior in Gethsemane
consumed our sins on bended knee,
took every sorrow, every loss
and broke them on the rough-hewn cross.
I love those peaceful moments of the heart,
when mind and spirit finally run free,
the fleeting moments, seldom set apart,
when every soul is stilled to breathe, to be.