©2016 Susan Noyes Anderson

image by Jouni Rajala on Unsplash
i cannot write
it’s all gone wrong
my words elude me
like a song
that i’ve sung
many times before
and yet recall
the tune no more
could be i’m rusty
like a spout
and need to flush
the rubble out
so please forgive me
while i free
my brain of
crappy poetry
if you can stand to
read the stuff
(admittedly, it
might be rough)
be sure, my friend
to let me know
when cool, clear poems
resume their flow
Writer’s block is no fun, but there’s only one way through it,
and that’s to push those words out until they are flowing freely again.
I feel certain every writer knows this,
but somehow that doesn’t make it any easier to do.
Tags: creativity, humor, poems, words, writer's block, writing