A Child Was Born
©1995 Susan Noyes Anderson

The Birth of Jesus – Carl Heinrich Block
I wonder just how Mary felt, when visited one day
by Gabriel, who understood the role that she would play
in bringing forth the Savior and nurturing with care
the precious little baby she would soon be called to bear.
I wonder what was in the mind of Joseph as he prayed.
Though he could not find shelter, he pressed forward, unafraid.
The road to Bethlehem was long and hard; the birth drew nigh…
but Joseph knew, and Mary too, the Father would provide.
Alleluia, the voices joined through all the years.
Noel, noel, the son of Man was born.
Ring, Christmas bells as music swells
in joyful hearts of men set free…
We were lost, but now we’re found eternally,
and it all began that sacred Christmas morn.
I wonder if the shepherds spoke or uttered not a word,
as heavenly voices filled the air and every soul was stirred.
One star stood out from al the rest above a manger bare:
the Light of all the World in Mary’s arms was cradled there.
I wonder if the animals were gathered all around
and sensing his divinity, looked on without a sound.
Created by His hand, perhaps their natures were subdued
in reverence as they shared the comfort of that stable rude.
Alleluia, the voices joined through all the years.
Noel, noel, the son of Man was born.
Ring, Christmas bells as music swells
in joyful hearts of men set free…
We were lost, but now we’re found eternally,
and it all began that sacred Christmas morn.
I wonder why the world has not remembered Christmas Day.
His sacred birth is often lost in meaningless display.
A Child was born, a Child was born…the Savior came to earth
to live for us and die for us; come celebrate the birth!
Alleluia, the voices joined through all the years.
Noel, noel, the son of Man was born.
Ring, Christmas bells as music swells
in joyful hearts of men set free…
We were lost, but now we’re found eternally,
and it all began that sacred Christmas morn.
This is a lyric that I’ve decided to include here as a poem because I think it works well as one. If you like it, you may also enjoy A Savior Is Born, which is another lyric of mine.
Tags: birth of Christ, Christ, Christmas, Christmas poem, Jesus Christ, nativity, nativity poem