A Mother’s Song
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson

image used with permission from KmBerggren
I took you in my arms the day you came into this world.
Around your head, it almost seemed that bits of heaven swirled.
I nurtured you and cared for you and read you “Goodnight, Moon.”
But then your life came calling. You slipped away too soon.
The kindergarten years rolled by…and elementary school.
You learned to read books for yourself and live the golden rule.
I nurtured you and cared for you beneath the sun and moon.
But then your life came calling. You slipped away too soon.
You slipped away too soon; I miss you so when we’re apart,
but always you are with me in my mind and in my heart.
And oh, the bright reunions! Every time I see your face,
I know a little more of heaven’s grace.
When did you reach that awkward stage between a boy and man?
I wanted to hold on to you, but out the door you ran.
I nurtured you and cared for you and watched you shoot the moon.
But then your life came calling. You slipped away too soon.
The college years were beckoning; you had big things to do…
so much to learn beyond my door, far from a mother’s view.
I nurtured you and cared for you as you reached for the moon.
But then your life came calling. You slipped away too soon.
You slipped away too soon; I miss you so when we’re apart,
but always you are with me in my mind and in my heart.
And oh, the bright reunions! Every time I see your face,
I know a little more of heaven’s grace.
A fine career ahead of you and countless honors earned…
I let you go so you could use the skills that you had learned.
I nurtured you; you cared for me. We shared the sun and moon.
And still your life came calling. You slipped away too soon.
Eternity before you, and celestial work awaits.
My arms will long to hold you ’til we meet at heaven’s gates.
Now angel friends will care for you, beyond the sun and moon.
The Lord has called you home, my boy. You slipped away too soon.
You slipped away too soon; I’ll miss you so while we’re apart,
but always you’ll be with me in my mind and in my heart.
And oh, the bright reunion! When next I see your face,
I’ll know, as you know now, of heaven’s grace…
Together, in the Savior’s warm embrace.
Tags: bereavement, child loss, grieving, KmBerggren, mourning