Burdens to Blessings
©2016 Susan Noyes Anderson

image by Jurica Koletic on Unsplash
When life rears up and strikes me down,
when all the world turns bleak,
I look to God for hope and find
the comfort that I seek.
He may not snatch me from the jaws
of troubles I must bear,
yet He walks with me faithfully.
I feel His presence there.
Sometimes I choose to turn away
when suffering is great.
I rail against His timing, spurn
His help that comes “too late.”
My heart does not remember then
what I remember now;
that if I would be as He is,
my life must teach me how.
For strength flows from the Spirit
that has exercised its might.
Each violent storm I conquer
brings me closer to His light.
My Father has a plan for me,
a plan I once endorsed.
Each soul must find its way to Him;
no spirit shall be forced.
May I accept with grace all things
that bring me to my knees––
in joy or sorrow, grateful
for my opportunities.
The world is one small moment
pulled from all eternity.
Father, I would be mindful
of thy priceless gifts to me:
Life lessons that I need to learn,
a family filled with love,
a Savior who will lead me home
to dwell with Him above.
If this poem resonates with you, you might also enjoy Sharing the Burden, Sweet Reminders, and Thine Arm is Ample. Other related posts are pictured with titles below, and you can also go to the home page and click on “Hardship Poems” or “Hope Poems” for many more takes on adversity, trials, and avenues of relief.
Tags: adversity, blessings, burdens, grace, gratitude, life, prayer, trials