New Year Glee
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

image by Julie Tupas on Unsplash
Oh, how I love a fledgling year,
wiped free of gloom and haze,
where all the calendar is clear
to mark in sunny days.
With endless opportunities
flung open to my view,
my spirits rise upon a breeze
of all things fresh and new.
My mind flies high into the sky,
goes dancing ’round the sun.
As light as crisp, clean air am I,
afloat on dreams unspun.
Eventually, I fall to earth,
prepared to work the ground.
Rich, fertile soil is where the birth
of sweet success is found.
So Carpe annum! – Seize the year!
Find brand new ways to see.
The secret key to New Year glee
is possibility.
Tags: goals, holidays, motivation, new year, resolutions