First Blood
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson
If you must cut me,
do the job with crystal.
Let ruby gemfire
lick (then burn)
your litany of
on my palm.
Triangulate your
heart into my
upturned hands.
Press firmly.
Draw first blood,
and don’t forget
the roses.
“First Blood” was written as a response to the intriguing and rather unsettling art portrayed at the top of this page. The image conjured up a bit of vampire feeling, which seems to be all the rage just now. Of course, not every love is full of sunshine and sweetness, and some who reach out for it will inevitably get burned. A few lovers are no more than gluttons for punishment, while others are just plain cynical. I tend more toward the sunshine and sweetness side, myself. But I do like a touch of spice thrown in now and again, for good measure.