A Love Note to America…
and Her People
©2010 Susan Noyes Anderson (poem only)

Image by Joseph Chan on Unsplash
Americans are different
as Americans can be.
We hail from north, south, east and west…
from sea to shining sea.
We’re red and yellow, black and white…
the spectrum is complete.
We’re big and small; we’re narrow, wide,
and tall. We’re short and sweet.
We work in banks and fields and mines;
we paint and dig and teach.
Some operate, incorporate,
or nurse, while others preach.
A bunch of us like grown-up toys,
speed boats and water-skis;
while others love to stand in streams
with boots up to our knees.
We swing at golf balls, shoot at hoops,
or serve up a home run…
then watch the pros do all those things
on TV screens. What fun!
We may or may not go to church,
but lots of us still pray.
We love our families, help our friends,
and vote to have our say.
Some fly the flag; some flout the flag…
but most view it with pride.
We live in towns and cities,
all across the countryside.
Our motto is “In God We Trust,”
and many of us do.
We care about our country, and
we honor freedom, too.
We’re grateful for the founding fathers,
patriots indeed.
We honor men and women
who have dared to fight and bleed…
to claim and keep our independence
in each hour of need.
Americans are different
as Americans can be.
But in one thing we are the same:
We must and will live free.
Tags: 4th of July, America, diversity, freedom, patriotism, troops, unity