Tooth Traffic
©1996 Susan Noyes Anderson, Lollipops

I am losing my teeth
one by two, two by three;
and they’re growing back
crooked as crooked can be.
Some curve left; some curve right,
but not one tooth goes straight.
My two front teeth are posed
in a large figure eight!
From the way things look now
it should not be too long
till the front ones grow back
where the back ones belong.
A disaster, because
what will happen, you see,
is the back ones will grow
where the front ones should be.
It’s a traffic jam!
Tooth Traffic! Out of Control!
SOS! Red Alert!
Subject needs Tooth Patrol!
Send a uniformed molar
as fast as you can
to direct all these teeth
back to where they began.
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Tags: children, crooked teeth, humor, losing baby teeth, teeth