Classic Walking
©1994 Susan Noyes Anderson, Mobius
My body is electric when
I’m walking to Vivaldi;
I shed years and pounds in minutes
moving to Rossini’s beat.
Every step inspires new feeling;
I am on my way to healing,
floating on a starry ceiling
when Ludwig directs my feet.
I go marching with Franz Schubert;
Haydn is my soul’s delight.
With Tchaikovsky I’m in heaven,
I could stroll with him all night.
When I trip the light fantastic
with Wolfgang, it’s orgiastic.
Walks with Bach are more scholastic,
for the subtle appetite.
I’m a mover and a shaker,
overcome with joie de vivre.
Gliding down the street with Brahms
is sheer symphonic ecstasy.
What an unexpected treasure!
I could not begin to measure
the unmitigated pleasure
classic walking brings to me.