Joy Cometh in the Morning
©1999 by Susan Noyes Anderson, Awaken Your Spiritual Power, Karisma Press
The dawn in a nightgown of glistening dew
Arouses the sun from her beauty sleep,
To paint from a palette of every hue
A sky that enchants us from slumber deep.
And as we awaken to nature’s art,
Old wounds, like the ashes of embers spent,
Are scattered and blown from a weary heart
To rest in the grave of their discontent.
Reborn in the wake of each fledgling day,
The soul catches fire in the shimmering light
That heralds the dawn as her bright array
Eclipses the darkness of passing night.
Take courage, my friend, though shadows assail.
A new day awaits you; the light will prevail
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”
Psalms 30:5
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Tags: adversity, courage, faith, hope, jpy, light, nature, overcoming, rebirth, sadness, trust