Musings on a Manger
©2010 Susan Noyes Anderson
Sometimes I dream our manger scene
is brought to life at night.
The darkness yields to shepherds’ fields
and one star, shining bright.
These poems about Christ are among my favorites, for writing them has brought me closer to Him. God gives good gifts, and I am grateful for His presence in each day. May these poems, focused on the Savior’s life, mission and example, communicate His love to everyone who scrolls through them. If you are specifically looking for Christmas Poems or Easter Poems, feel free to click directly on either category. (Please request permission to use my poems about Christ by email before using, and be sure to include full copyright information on every copy. For internet use, a link back to the poem on this site is required.)
FINDING THE POEM YOU WANT: As you scroll through this section, simply read each snippet sample (usually the first four lines) to get a feel for the poem. When you find something you like, click “CONTINUE READING” to view the entire poem.
Sometimes I dream our manger scene
is brought to life at night.
The darkness yields to shepherds’ fields
and one star, shining bright.
Evening falls like gentle rain
upon the weary day.
The colors fade, then flash once more
before they pass away.
Gethsemane brought Jesus to His knees.
“Remove this cup from me,” He dared to ask.
His humble prayer, “Thy will, not mine, be done,”
allowed no respite from the fearsome task.
How bless’d are we by all of God’s creation!
What miracles attend His outstretched hand!
Adoring is our gaze across the mountains,
Appreciative, our feet upon the land.
When wintry winds and stormy seas
Make all the world seem bleak,
When hope is difficult to find
And peace is hard to seek,
If ever earth and sky should spin away
and love and truth lie crumbled at your feet,
when all around and in you cries defeat
and hope and faith seem merely words to say–
Though troubles come and troubles go
amidst this life of joy and tears,
while things we love and things we know
are sometimes lost to grief or fears;
To move a mountain was my aim,
the highest goal I could achieve.
I knew all things were possible
to every soul who would believe.