Eternal Voyage
©1993 Susan Noyes Anderson, Standard (poem only)
A ship fades from our view; we wave good-bye.
Her sails grow small, then vanish from the sky.
And sorrowing, we bow our heads, and then
we mourn that sight we long to see again.
A ship fades from our view; we wave good-bye.
Her sails grow small, then vanish from the sky.
And sorrowing, we bow our heads, and then
we mourn that sight we long to see again.
They came to do Him honor,
weary-faced, and
their footsteps traced
the path
to where He lay.
High on the mountain’s rocky crest,
an eagle soars to make its nest––
surrounded by nature’s majesty,
riding the wind so strong and free.
Leather, binding
onion skin
paper, fragile,
Daughters of God – What glory is inherent in that title!
Offspring of an eternal being, what role could be more vital?
But there is more – our Father loves us individually,
for once we walked and talked with Him, and gathered at His knee.
If you make the Lord your lighthouse,
He will guide your passage through
every shallow, rocky channel
till the harbor is in view.
If you make the Lord your partner,
He will guide your passage through
every shallow, rocky channel
till the harbor is in view.
Sometimes I’d like to be
the type
who lives my life
without a backward glance––
and I would dance
through days
unburdened, fancy-free.