Faith Lost
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

image by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
Faith lost is like a promise broken
somewhere in the night.
Unanswered pleas in words unspoken
push away the light.
Soft shadows fall into the soul,
then deepen as they take control
of golden rays and hopeful dreams
till nothing shines and little gleams.
Resist the seeping of the dawn;
believe the moon, the star.
Look up until all doubts are gone.
Remember whose you are.

art work by alisapaints
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.”
Hebrews 11:1
“For if there be no faith among the children of men
God can do no miracle among them;
wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith.”
Ether 12:12
“Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe,
all things are possible to him that believeth.
And straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears,
Lord I believe; help thou my unbelief.”
Mark 9:23-24
“Master, careth thou not that we perish?
And he arose and rebuked the wind,
and said unto the sea, Peace, be still.
And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful?
how is it that ye have no faith?”
Mark 4:38-39