The Path of Discipleship
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson
written for Stake Women’s Conference

image by Kamille Corry at
Beyond the veil that binds the earth
lie memories we lost at birth,
rich memories of power and light
now hidden from our earthly sight.
We came by choice to make a stand,
to live well in a fallen land,
to feel the pull of worldly ways,
yet walk uprightly all our days.
Such was God’s plan, and we agreed.
We left His presence and were freed
to choose a life of good or ill,
to seek or shun the Father’s will.
In heaven, we held sacred ground.
On earth, temptation would abound.
Our souls would bear the weight of sin;
and sorrow, too, would enter in.
We knew the risk; we knew the pain.
We also knew what we could gain…
a body that would make us whole,
possessed of an immortal soul.
To be like Father was the prize,
and we believed that we could rise,
enabled by our Brother’s grace,
to meet Him in that holy place.
How selflessly He bled and died
that justice might be satisfied,
His willing sacrifice the key
that opened all eternity.
What sacrifice will we return?
Shall we receive His gift or spurn
the blessings He put in our way?
Will we be His, or will we stray?
Christ healed the sick; the dead He raised;
in every heart, He should be praised.
Look up. Embrace the grace He gives.
Remember Him…and that He lives!
“He lives, all glory to His name.
He lives, our Savior, still the same.”
Come, follow Him, for those who trod
in His steps choose to walk with God.
No sweeter pathway could we take.
Discipleship is for our sake…
to be His hands, to share His light,
to reach for Him in dark of night.
Look up, and see. Become His own.
We were not meant to walk alone.
Seek Him. Obey. Submit. Be free.
Step up, and claim your destiny.
Tags: Christ, discipleship, faith, LDS, plan of happiness, redemption, salvation