Grace and Gravity: Message from Mary
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

Nouvelle Lune, ©2011 Soasig Chamaillard
believe me, I adapt
carry me with you
then and now I bring
some substance
to the ins and outs
of living
this throwing-me-away
is a ruse
won’t stop the bleeding
(je m’excuse)
is self-defeating
the air is getting thin
all up in here
count down, lift off
fly free
but do remember
space can leave a void
and gravity is grounding
woos the oxygen
beware out there
the molecules are few
and far between
the grace unseen
so wear your helmet
like a rosary
breathe in, reach out
and keep me
keep The Baby, maybe
even keep the bath
it’s holy water
If you enjoyed this poem, you might also have some fun with “Arise and Umbrellize.”
Tags: grace, humility, Mary, Nouelle Lune, religion, Soasig Chamaillared, tradition