Hear Him: An Easter Gift to Christ
©2020 Susan Noyes Anderson
Inspired by President Russell M. Nelson’s conference talk, April 2020

Art by Simon Dewey
As Easter beckons to my soul,
one question fills my humbled heart.
In honoring Christ’s sacrifice,
how will I know my sacred part?
Is gratitude expressed by me
in active ways the Lord can feel?
Does how I live reflect my knowledge
that the Savior’s love is real?
What do I give the world for Him?
How do I carry Him in me?
To these soul-saving queries,
I am bowed in prayerful reverie.
Will I hear Him inside the silence
of the darkest winter night?
Does joyful trill of one, small sparrow,
draw me closer to His light?
Shall I find Him within the rustle
of a thousand verdant leaves…
discern, in shifting blades of grain,
a whisper that my soul receives?
Or will His call across the mountain
fall before my deafened ear?
Am I seeking the still, small voice
that only those who listen hear?
How well do I attend to voices
of God’s people, all around?
Do I delight to hear His children
or dismiss their sacred sound?
Is my heart giving all it ought
to Christ when my attention wanes?
In moments when distraction conquers,
only my own will remains.
He knows “the end from the beginning.”
Shall my earthbound feet ignore
the blessed joy of being led
to all my Savior has in store?
For I am given ears to hear,
but it is mine alone to use them.
Should I fail to take Christ’s gifts,
have I not chosen to refuse them?
Thoughts of Jesus bear good fruit.
I witness that His truth is sure.
In hearing and in hearkening
and heeding Christ, we will endure.
What is my Easter offering?
One heart, two hands, my listening ears…
to hear Him, heed Him, honor Him,
upholding all that He reveres:
Humility, obedience,
forgiveness, gentleness, and love.
His words, be “even as I am,”
draw every soul to heaven above.
“We talk of Christ…rejoice in Christ…”
The Savior lives to raise and bless.
“We preach and prophesy of Christ…”
Our goodness is His happiness.
Abraham 2:8
3 Nephi 27:27
2 Nephi 25:26
If this poem resonates with you, you might enjoy reading What Will We Give? Other related poems can be found in the picture links, below.
Tags: atonement, battle of the sexes, Christ, discipleship, Easter, Jesus, resurrection, salvation