Little Bits of Heaven
©2010 Susan Noyes Anderson

Image by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash
Little bits of heaven swirl around the manger bright,
falling softly as the mem’ry of that Christmas night
when all the world stood still in wonder at the Savior’s birth,
and choirs of angels sang out joy and peace to men on earth.
Through all the corridors of time, I hear their voices ring.
Sweet visions fill my head as though I were remembering
the silence of that lonely night…the brilliant star above…
a mother’s gentle touch, her eyes aglow with hope and love.
I take my place beside the wise men, hold a shepherd’s crook;
the Light of all the World is nestled in this sacred nook.
My spirit knows that life on earth will be forever new
because of One whose love for me is infinite and true.
I bow my head in reverence ere I leave the stable bare,
and passing over darkened streets, I feel His presence there.
In waking dreams of Bethlehem or in my humbled heart,
I carry with me every blessing heaven can impart.
I’ll always find the Baby there and hear the angels’ song
whenever I look deep within, where sacred truths belong.
And when I gaze upon a snow globe, I will ever see
these precious bits of heaven swirling in my memory.
If you enjoy this poem, you might want to look at The Nativity, another lovely one about the Savior’s birth. Additional Christmas poems are listed below.
Tags: Christ, Christmas, nativity, shepherds, snow globe, wise men