Amazing Grace
©2019 Susan Noyes Anderson

image from Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Christmas, I thought, would always be
the best of holidays for me…
a celebration of Christ’s birth,
when peace and glory came to earth.
This miracle, so long held dear,
blessed and remembered every year,
engenders in each tender heart
sweet reverence for His humble start.
Yet while that always will hold true;
I know now, as I never knew
that Easter marks the dawn of grace
and holds at least an equal place.
For like God’s son, my own has died,
and while he was not crucified,
his burdens weighed on every breath
until the moment of his death.
Now he is gone, his spirit free,
but I would dwell in misery
were it not for that sacred day
when, having given life away,
Christ took it back and rose again
to bring salvation to all men.
Because of Him, our way is sure.
Todd does live on; we will endure.
And thus my heart is Easter bound.
For all was lost but now is found.
For more poems about grief, loss, despair, and hope after a loved one’s death, click here.
Tags: child loss, death, Easter, grieving, resurrection