Remembering You
©2018 Susan Noyes Anderson

image by Jiu Chang on Unsplash
The ocean pounding on the shore
Awakens with a crashing roar
Reminds me that you are no more
The same sea, friendlier by day
Absorbs my tears in salty spray
Its waves still carry you away
I came for healing, but I see
No tide can pull you back to me
You float in pools of memory
The waters rise, the waters fall
I summon you as seagulls call
Remember you, remember all
We are spending time with dear friends at their beach house, and early mornings have been a time for reflection. This poem opens a small window on grief, the sea, and the power of memory. I am finding the rhythm of grief/healing much like that of the ocean. It is good to be here.
For more of my poems about death, loss and grieving, click here.
Tags: child loss, death, dying, grief, healing, ocean, remembering our dead, sea