Love Sings
©2017 Susan Noyes Anderson

image by Javardh on Unsplash
Love is a shell in golden sand,
a secret in a willing hand,
a piece of beauty worth its keep,
as mighty as the sea is deep.
Walk carefully on distant shores.
The ocean whispers, crashes, roars.
Be not distracted; find that one
reflected in the morning sun.
Embrace the gift, divinely made.
Let not the sacred music fade.
Hear all the magic; guard it well.
Live every tale it has to tell.
I like the notion of love as a fragile yet mighty shell waiting to be found by the right person. Discernment is everything, and choosing the one who will sing his or her music to you over a lifetime should be a careful process. Once found, that lovely gift is worthy of every protection, for it is truly magic. And oh, what stories a true and lasting love has to tell!
Tags: falling in love, love, marriage, nature, ocean, romance, sea, soul mate