The Legacy of Heroes
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson (poem only)

image by Richard Sagredo on Unsplash
Today we celebrate our troops,
whose valor must be praised.
Our nation is the legacy
of heroes, born and raised.
From sea to shining sea, they choose
to honor and protect
the laws and land that we revere,
the freedoms we respect.
The sacrifices of these men
and women stir our hearts,
invoking all the gratitude
their selflessness imparts.
We celebrate each one of them
and thank their families, too,
for rising to our country’s call
with courage known by few.
May we be true to all who serve,
and hold in memory,
each father…mother…daughter…son…
whose blood has kept us free.
Tags: 4th of July, America, courage, freedom, Memorial Day, patriotism, Veterans Day