His Children
©2003 Susan Noyes Anderson, His Children, Vantage Point Press
Photograph by Anita Schiller ©2003, His Children, Vantage Point Press
Though some have more and some have less
All have the gifts that He imparts
His children will find happiness
Not in belongings they possess
But in the longings of their hearts
Though some have more and some have less
The measure of a soul’s success
Lies in the sacred, inner parts
His children will find happiness
In days of bliss or deep distress
Each child can learn the Master’s arts
Though some have more and some have less
All have the power to heal and bless
All feel the hope of fresh new starts
His children will find happiness
In every feeling they express
In joy and all its counterparts
Though some have more and some have less
His children will find happiness
If this poem resonated with you, you might also relate to A Parent’s Reverie. You can also see Related Poems pictured and titled below or return to the home page and select a topic.
Tags: adversity, children, Christ, God, healing, hope, joy, sorrow