
Playing Inside

Written by Susan Noyes Anderson on . Posted in Children's Poems

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©1995 Susan Noyes Anderson, Lollipops


Sometimes I close my eyes to see
what’s going on inside.
At first, it just looks dark, but then
my mind’s eyes open wide.

I look beyond the darkness till
I find my private screen,
lit up with shapes and colors that
I’ve never, ever seen.

A yellow yummagummy bird;
a redalicious rose;
a purple popple-opplegator,
wearing sky-green clothes.

A submarine with four wheels,
painted fire engine blue;
a hibernating humphog,
in a lavender igloo.

What fun it is to look inside,
and see my mind at play.
It only takes a minute, but
it makes me laugh all day!

If you liked this poem, you might enjoy reading Waiting Room Zoo.

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Susan Noyes Anderson

Susan Noyes Anderson is the author of At the End of Your Rope, There’s Hope, Deseret Book, ©1997; Awaken Your Spiritual Power: The Fairy Godmother Isn’t Coming!, Karisma Press, ©1999; and His Children (poetry only, photos are by Anita Schiller), Vantage Point Press, ©2003.

All material ©copyright of Susan Noyes Anderson

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