Gifts of the Spirit
©2008 Susan Noyes Anderson
Through priesthood power, the Holy Ghost descends.
This first gift of the Spirit is received
by those who are baptized, whose hearts believe
in Christ’s great plan and all that it portends.
Hands upon head, the ordinance transcends
the bounds and limits of a worldly view
and grants to every soul thus born anew
a glimpse of where this sacred journey ends.
The gift is sweet; its fruits are sweeter still
and given freely for the good of men.
Gifts of the Spirit, gifts to bless and fill,
to be sought after worthily, and then
to be employed according to His will,
lifting us up to live with Him again.
Tags: baptism, blessings, Christ, discipleship, gifts, gifts of the spirit, LDS, Mormon, power, priesthood, salvation, service, talents