Hope Poems

I hope you will enjoy this collection of my personal hope poems. Writing them brought me joy, and maybe they will do the same for you. Hope poems offer motivation when we’re down, inspiration when we’re stuck in neutral, and validation when we’re on top of the world. Hope really is that “thing with feathers on.” It is my hope that readers will fly through this collection on silver wings and soar to new heights. Or at the very least, feel like maybe good things are possible.

FINDING THE POEM YOU WANT:  As you scroll through this section, simply read each snippet sample (usually the first four lines) to get a feel for the poem. When you find something you like, click “CONTINUE READING” to view the entire poem.

(My work may be used free for non-commercial purposes only. Please request permission by email and include full copyright information, legibly printed, on every copy made. For internet use, a link back to the poem on this website is required.)

All material ©copyright of Susan Noyes Anderson

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