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in the breach
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson
Image: Venus and the Sailor by Salvador Dali
call me from the sea to meet you
in the breach of dawn and dusk
shapes and angles flow to greet you
midnight masses, morning musk
The Sage Speaks
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson (poem only)
You hold forth in your wisdom
as if truth began with you,
each argument refuted by
your “worthy” point of view.
The Philanthropist
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson (poem only)
Unflinching resolution is
a phrase that always conjures you.
Your war cry is “Snap out of it.”
And “Seize the day” is your world view.
Taking Leave
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson (poem only)
How beautifully leaves grow old.
In glory, they slip away.
Farewell the King of Spoons
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson
Image: It Must Be Time For Lunch Now by Francesca Woodman
It must be time for lunch now,
but I think I’ll take a pass.
It seems the king of spoons just tried
to knock me on my ass.
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson
Photo by Sixties Photography on Unsplash
Follow the bright lights home, my son.
When all is said, when all is done,
their glow still brings you back to me
in person and in memory.
To Every Thing––A Season
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson
Image: Chilmark Hay 1951 by Thomas Hart Benton
From break of dawn till setting sun,
he worked until the work was done.
No perks, no flex-time, no review–
just midday sun and morning dew.