Stars: The Power Is Ours
©2013 Susan Noyes Anderson (poem only)

image by Usukhbayar Gankhuyag on Unsplash
shining your light
If every star in heaven’s sky surrendered to the night,
perhaps the moon would lose heart and concede the steady light
that anchors every one of us until the sun’s return.
Our universe has much to teach us; will we watch and learn?
The brightness sought by all mankind is carried in each soul,
a birthright and a legacy to make our spirits whole.
The power is ours to be the stars that grace each other’s skies
or vanish into darkness, vanquished by our own disguise.
Don’t be discouraged by your incapacity to dispel darkness fom the world. Light your candle and step forward.
Tags: adversity, be God's hands, friends, heaven, hope, light, love one another, overcoming, power, shining your light, stength in numbers, strength, unity