When Stars Align
©2021 Susan Noyes Anderson

Image by Casey Horner
I’m well aware that you’re not here,
a little too aware, I fear;
and yet, neither are you quite gone,
despite the truth that you’ve passed on.
I thought I’d meet with you in dreams,
but that is not my gift, it seems;
although each night I go to bed
with visions of you in my head.
And still, in ways I can’t define,
you’re with me always, always mine.
I summon you…or you appear…
when I have need to draw you near.
It’s not enough and could not be,
but it’s my grateful mystery
to know, when I feel most apart,
that I can hold you in my heart.
Almost, I feel you hug me tight.
I miss the weight of you…the sight;
but you are there, I know you are.
My constant friend, my northern star.
If this poem resonates with you, you might also relate to Son-Light and Homecomings and Goings.
Tags: bereavement, child loss, death, grieving, healing from grief, mourning, spiritual connection