hard times and victories

Rain Just Gotta Fall

Written by Susan Noyes Anderson on . Posted in Hardship Poems, Hope Poems, Life Lessons Poems

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©2021 Susan Noyes Anderson
image by Milada Vigerova

Rain just gotta fall some time.
Fierce rain just gotta fall.

No boots and no umbrella,
just stand out there and stand tall.

And if you can’t stand tall, stand firm
like redwoods, like oak trees.

And if you can’t stand firm,
if you get battered to your knees,

Then look up, high, where you came from
before storms brought you down,

And rest until the rainbow comes,
when sun shines on the ground

To warm you and to dry you
and to help you plant your feet.

Then rise and stand where you belong.
Snatch victory from defeat.

“In this journey, I have learned more deeply the lesson that even the darkest day has its bittersweet song. Even the darkest day has its sunlight. I have learned that there is a bond, like a heartbeat, between loss and victory, between singing and weeping, between losing and healing.

“As my life has moved through these deep waters, I have kept up the song. Perhaps the rocks in the river are what make the river sing.” – Judy Collins

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Susan Noyes Anderson

Susan Noyes Anderson is the author of At the End of Your Rope, There’s Hope, Deseret Book, ©1997; Awaken Your Spiritual Power: The Fairy Godmother Isn’t Coming!, Karisma Press, ©1999; and His Children (poetry only, photos are by Anita Schiller), Vantage Point Press, ©2003.

All material ©copyright of Susan Noyes Anderson

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