Finding Faith in Christ
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

image by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash
seeds of faith
Faith is a sacred gift in life,
a gift we seize or spurn.
The seeds are freely granted us;
the fruit is ours to earn.
We water faith with good intent.
We grow it with good deeds.
We harvest it in times of strife
to soothe our deepest needs.
Faith is the source of safety in
a world beset by fear.
The ground stands firm beneath us
when we sense the Savior near.
And as we stand our ground, we learn
to wait upon the Lord.
“Come, follow me,” He taught.
In me, find hope and peace restored.
Each time our feet obey His call,
we scatter seeds abroad.
May all who water them reap faith
and know that He is God.
I have walked in faith, and I have walked without faith. What I know to be true is that I am kinder, stronger, wiser, and happier walking with God in the tradition of my childhood. For me…for this day…that is enough.
I trust Him to make things right, in His time and in His way. “I will wait upon the Lord.” Isaiah 8:17. (Sometimes with more patience than others.)
Tags: adversity, Christ, discipleship, faith