gratitude to God

Thanks Be to God

Written by Susan Noyes Anderson on . Posted in Hope Poems, LDS Poems, Poems about Christ, Thanksgiving Poems

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©2009 Susan Noyes Anderson


Photo courtesy of O Charm of Nothingness, So Madly Decked!

Though troubles come and troubles go
amidst this life of joy and tears,
while things we love and things we know
are sometimes lost to grief or fears;
yet always in the heart remains
the memory of sacred strains,
of hope eternal, truth divine,
and gifts bestowed by God’s design.

In faith, we take the leap of birth.
In thanks, we dwell upon the earth.
In death, all things must pass away,
but these will be restored one day;
when mortal pain and sorrow cease,
when every soul is moved to sing,
then all shall bow and all embrace
the grace of Savior, Lord, and King.

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Susan Noyes Anderson

Susan Noyes Anderson is the author of At the End of Your Rope, There’s Hope, Deseret Book, ©1997; Awaken Your Spiritual Power: The Fairy Godmother Isn’t Coming!, Karisma Press, ©1999; and His Children (poetry only, photos are by Anita Schiller), Vantage Point Press, ©2003.

All material ©copyright of Susan Noyes Anderson

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